Glitter Chiffon V-Neck Long Prom Dress - PromGi

The name is written on the fabric: CHIFFON DRESSES are made of “chiffon”, a light / thin piece of fabric that is mainly made of silk. It can also be made from nylon, rayon, polyester, or cotton. The word “chiffon” is of French origin and means “fabric”. The fabric is so delicate that Weber would have to find a means to coat both sides of the material with paper before it can be worked – this prevents the fabric from wearing out.


Wedding dresses are made from the chiffon fabric [most preferably with lace];; Evening dresses and other sparkling options.

A fundamental statement these dresses make is that of elegance – glamor is the end product that gives a CHIFFON DRESS. Associated with this is a romantic sensation. With your chiffon dress, your beauty has complemented your wedding and / or the evening / dinner party with your partner.


Just like handling an egg, you must treat your chiffon dress with the utmost care. Here are some tips:

Before taking your seat, the first thing to do is look very carefully with your chiffon. Make sure there are no sharp or rough objects nearby. Also, watch out for rough planes.

Wash your CHIFFON DRESS separately. Wash gently with your hands [especially if it is made of silk and rayon]It is advisable to soak the dress in water for about 15 to 20 minutes with a mild detergent before washing. Do not leave it in the water for long. It is best air dried.